Chicago dispensaries prepare for marijuana legalization on January 1
Recreational marijuana will be legal in Illinois in two days, and dispensaries are stocking up to make sure they have enough weed to go around. FULL STORY: …
I cashed a freshly filled bowl on my bong after watching this. I support weed legalization on a federal level and in all 50 states. Weed is just an herb.
This is not good news. Why do so many people want to alter their consciousness? Pot is as much of a carcinogen, if not more, as tobacco. And it is a fact that long term use of pot can lead to psychosis. I've seen it ruin a few lives, and drugged up people are easier to control. So a lot of power hungry politicians are in favor of legalization.
There are so many branches of revenue for this industry to empower people, not just people of color, everyone. Let just be grateful that we can create many jobs & businesses for it and pull our states out of the troubles. Here's one branch you can uses: Go the Facebook and search for the "The Pure Puff People"
still gonna buy on the street because its the same quality but from other legal states but with no insane TAX! If tax was fair id always buy from legal places only. I want the taxes to "help" out people of Illinois but it won't. Illinois will piss the money away as usual
I got news for all the “medical patients” all you are are Recreational customers. all the oh poor me “medical users” acting like the “rec users” are just buying up “their medicine” give me a break. It’s a shit show out there. You can still go to your normal “weed dealers” people. Why stand in that line for 4 hours when you can hit your guy up and not have to pay this ridiculous sales tax.
Can't wait for all the News Stories. I wonder if the MSM will even cover them. Driving while high. Why can't I smoke pot at work? You can't drug test me at work, it's legal in Illinois. What do you mean I can't have Pot in my car in Wisconsin, it's legal where I live, you are violating my rights… Should be entertaining. And all brought to us by a crook that cheated us out of real estate taxes, and keeps his billions in the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes in the US. Wow, Illinoisans are not real smart…
This shit is sad i swear mfs actn like this shit is cool. Politicians acting as if they did something great. Anything that alters your mind set isnt meant to be consumed. Smoke was not intended to go in uour lungs no kind. Thats why we breathe oxygen. This is not a victory. And people celebrating wow. So what happens when they relegalize coke because it helpa people with pain lmao see then what happens. Because thats next. Last days
I can see Medical…but others are addicts which will occur much like alcohol! The chemicals in Marijuana are no better than cigarettes, especially for those with COPD, Allergies, Asthma, Emphysema, BPD or other breathing aspects, let alone those with Chemical Sensitivities. Every DUI will have to be checked now for THC Levels & those in Apartments/Condominiums need to check their By-Laws & Rules/Regulations for cigarette smoking policies as those policies should be applicable to ANY smoking. Trespass to another persons unit can also be argued as per many Building & Zoning Codes & Ordinances, exhausting to another unit or room, is usually a violation as is chemical trespass. It can also be pursued as a Nuisance or Right to Quiet Enjoyment Breach or an implied warranty of habitability. This should not justify FORCING someone out of their residence!!! Legal arguments in Court may need to be pursued. This should concern MANY as who wants our teachers, bus drivers, Social Workers, Doctors, Surgeons, Government Employees, Daycare Workers, etc., watching our children High? I guess those parents who would be High themselves at home. This can lead to more lackadaisical policy following allowing further abuse & misuse or more lawsuits & higher premiums. Hope some will continue to have stricter policies & enforcement when it comes to these concerns. NEXT they will legalize Opoids!
Jeez everybody. Grow your own… even if you dont have a medical card. If you dont have a medical card and get caught growing it's only a civil infraction with a fine up to $200, totally worth the risk imo. Dispensaries are selling 8ths for $60 plus tax… fuuuuck that
This just depresses Patients in Iowa that need products above a bloody 3% THC cap so they can have some type of Medical benefit. Look what Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds did to our only Medical Program with her veto. Think about the people that can't MOVE or travel and be grateful that IL gets it for play when people in Iowa that have been fighting for medical for years get absolutely NOTHING. Unhappy New year!
How about Governor Reynolds overrides her veto on Iowa MEDICAL Patients, and we'll help you grow some for the people that use it for fun!!! Contact Governor Reynolds if you get sick of Iowans flooding your beautiful state.
Also FYI for y’all cannibus consumers, Cresco Labs is WACK, BUNK, TRASH, mid grade overpriced $70 8ths but in Colorado high end stuff for $15-20 8ths lmao and watch out for Wenatchee that boi a Cresco agent
Can’t wait to see Chicago dispensary licks
I cashed a freshly filled bowl on my bong after watching this. I support weed legalization on a federal level and in all 50 states. Weed is just an herb.
What about the stuff made by Hemp inc? CBD?
Chicago one step from Vegas ..
Supporting legalization of prostitution in demand..I have spoken..
The variety was minimum at the location I went too. Its like 30% taxed crazy
This is not good news. Why do so many people want to alter their consciousness? Pot is as much of a carcinogen, if not more, as tobacco. And it is a fact that long term use of pot can lead to psychosis. I've seen it ruin a few lives, and drugged up people are easier to control. So a lot of power hungry politicians are in favor of legalization.
Try jesus.the eternal ficks
Legalize cannabis nationwide
Marijuana leads to Heroin

Wow LMAO yall let me use and say “Fuck” but if i put “koon” with a “C” im deleted? Lol
How you gonna try n censoring comments but leave beheading videos n graphic shit on
Youtube sucks
Youtube trying real hard to stop my comments, they Cresco Sponsoring goons.
There are so many branches of revenue for this industry to empower people, not just people of color, everyone. Let just be grateful that we can create many jobs & businesses for it and pull our states out of the troubles. Here's one branch you can uses: Go the Facebook and search for the "The Pure Puff People"
still gonna buy on the street because its the same quality but from other legal states but with no insane TAX! If tax was fair id always buy from legal places only. I want the taxes to "help" out people of Illinois but it won't. Illinois will piss the money away as usual
Sunnyside dispensary is Elmwood park is great fast lines and lots of variety.
My problem is the ridiculous tax on marijuana
Crime rated dropped overnight with 80%
Non of its AA maybe low B but people don’t know they just go for it
Lines at legal store…
congratulations to the tools that smoke. they are allowing demcorats to tax it heavily for their profit. dear leader is proud of you sheep.
I got news for all the “medical patients” all you are are Recreational customers.
all the oh poor me “medical users” acting like the “rec users” are just buying up “their medicine” give me a break. It’s a shit show out there. You can still go to your normal “weed dealers” people. Why stand in that line for 4 hours when you can hit your guy up and not have to pay this ridiculous sales tax.
Can't wait for all the News Stories. I wonder if the MSM will even cover them. Driving while high. Why can't I smoke pot at work? You can't drug test me at work, it's legal in Illinois. What do you mean I can't have Pot in my car in Wisconsin, it's legal where I live, you are violating my rights… Should be entertaining. And all brought to us by a crook that cheated us out of real estate taxes, and keeps his billions in the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes in the US. Wow, Illinoisans are not real smart…
This shit is sad i swear mfs actn like this shit is cool. Politicians acting as if they did something great. Anything that alters your mind set isnt meant to be consumed. Smoke was not intended to go in uour lungs no kind. Thats why we breathe oxygen. This is not a victory. And people celebrating wow. So what happens when they relegalize coke because it helpa people with pain lmao see then what happens. Because thats next. Last days
I can see Medical…but others are addicts which will occur much like alcohol! The chemicals in Marijuana are no better than cigarettes, especially for those with COPD, Allergies, Asthma, Emphysema, BPD or other breathing aspects, let alone those with Chemical Sensitivities.
Every DUI will have to be checked now for THC Levels & those in Apartments/Condominiums need to check their By-Laws & Rules/Regulations for cigarette smoking policies as those policies should be applicable to ANY smoking. Trespass to another persons unit can also be argued as per many Building & Zoning Codes & Ordinances, exhausting to another unit or room, is usually a violation as is chemical trespass. It can also be pursued as a Nuisance or Right to Quiet Enjoyment Breach or an implied warranty of habitability. This should not justify FORCING someone out of their residence!!! Legal arguments in Court may need to be pursued.
This should concern MANY as who wants our teachers, bus drivers, Social Workers, Doctors, Surgeons, Government Employees, Daycare Workers, etc., watching our children High? I guess those parents who would be High themselves at home. This can lead to more lackadaisical policy following allowing further abuse & misuse or more lawsuits & higher premiums. Hope some will continue to have stricter policies & enforcement when it comes to these concerns. NEXT they will legalize Opoids!
Congratulations. I hope Wisconsin loses millions untill it pulls its head out of its a**
Il still buy in the hood
Bro they taxing hard asf imma still hit up my dealer no cap
Jeez everybody. Grow your own… even if you dont have a medical card. If you dont have a medical card and get caught growing it's only a civil infraction with a fine up to $200, totally worth the risk imo. Dispensaries are selling 8ths for $60 plus tax… fuuuuck that
I got a fat as blunt on me looking at this video
Happy New year's
that girl at the end is so hot I think iLL subscribe
This just depresses Patients in Iowa that need products above a bloody 3% THC cap so they can have some type of Medical benefit. Look what Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds did to our only Medical Program with her veto. Think about the people that can't MOVE or travel and be grateful that IL gets it for play when people in Iowa that have been fighting for medical for years get absolutely NOTHING. Unhappy New year!
How about Governor Reynolds overrides her veto on Iowa MEDICAL Patients, and we'll help you grow some for the people that use it for fun!!! Contact Governor Reynolds if you get sick of Iowans flooding your beautiful state.
Make a followup video on Kaneka Jenkins
It's worth more than a good portion of pharma ….that's not my point…what's the point of doing something in life if life is being destroyed irreparably
"patients" lol
Also FYI for y’all cannibus consumers, Cresco Labs is WACK, BUNK, TRASH, mid grade overpriced $70 8ths but in Colorado high end stuff for $15-20 8ths lmao and watch out for Wenatchee that boi a Cresco agent
Man white people and Boomers sure love saying “MARIJUANA!” Lmao we still saying “the negro” too? Stop fucking_ saying Marijuana.