I feel this video overestimates the benefits of supplementation and underestimates the risks. Dr. Pam Popper recently did a video on the lack of benefit and the danger of taking vitamin D supplements. She says there is very little good science that supports supplementing with vitamin D. The same goes for all the other vitamins in question, it seems to me . There’s very real health risks associated with taking too much of these vitamins which is easy to do in concentrated form and there is very little control over the supplement industry so you can’t even be sure as to what you are taking.
Everyone needs vitamins you moron. LOL. What stupid title is this?! On any diet. A high carb , low fat , low protein vegan diet rich in fruits, starches , legumes and veggies is full of vitamins. You dont need supplements. Supplements cause imbalances to the body and therefore diseases . You confuse your dumb ,ignorant, gullible audience with your nonsense. Educate yourself you ignorant idiot. "Mcdougal – Do NOT use any supplements : —–> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NxLyPNsj38"
learn one think so liver got b12 reserves that last years perfect i got an argument against vegan food from vegan channel, sweet, now where does a diet that lack a key vitamin b12 and need supplementation is healthy.
Did you mention magnesium? A lot of people are deficient in magnesium. It is said that eggs and fish have magnesium, but of course their are plant foods that contain magnesium and it can be supplemented. I felt like absolute crap and was on my knees crying thinking I had to eat animal products to feel better, but I took magnesium and felt better.
Lol, all you vegan zombies have no knowledge of nutrition whatsoever, I sure hope you all get wiped out or die of starvation very soon. Pharma zombies.
Supplements supplements supplements, vegans sure do need a lot of them. I can get everything from Pastured raised animals, wild caught fish and pastured raw dairy!
Been eating 99% vegan for a few days now(except for pesto). Nuts. Seeds. Fruits. Grains. Tofu. Greens. Beans. Enriched alpro products. Tatos. I still do add some "bad stuff" like bbq sauce to some recipes. I think I kinda over eat at the moment. But then again. I ate way too little good stuff on my meat and dairy diet.
I take a wide variety (30) of Non-GMO fruits and vegetables in powder form which includes the pulp and skin every day additional to what I eat and my blood work is always great!
Vitamin D3 10µg = 400 IU is a dose far too small in winter – and a negligible contribution when you get sun higher than 35 ° above the horizon (you get ~15.000 IU within minutes when unclothed and not too old).
Sacha inchi seed, “the peanut of the Incas” is a good source of omega 3 too (With a omega 9, 6 & 3 ratio of 1:3,5:5 (7 grams of ALA per ounce!). And it’s more easily absorbed than flax or chia seeds. They are high in protein too and could be eaten whole, as a butter or even in oil form.greetings from Peru
Vegetology is my favourite brand. They provides Omega-3 supplement with lowest price compared to others and more discounts with more orders. They also have online shopping.
Mic, LOVE seeing you here. I predict you will be remembered years, decades after your death in the late 2090s, for your immense contributions to our species and world. #NobelPeacePrize
Good morning from Australia Mic. Quick question, do you do vegan meal plans, I'm looking for something to use in conjunction with going gym twice a week. (I know i could Google, but thought I'd ask you, since I'm already here).
What are your favorite nutrient-rich foods or supplement brands?
I feel this video overestimates the benefits of supplementation and underestimates the risks. Dr. Pam Popper recently did a video on the lack of benefit and the danger of taking vitamin D supplements. She says there is very little good science that supports supplementing with vitamin D. The same goes for all the other vitamins in question, it seems to me . There’s very real health risks associated with taking too much of these vitamins which is easy to do in concentrated form and there is very little control over the supplement industry so you can’t even be sure as to what you are taking.
If you have a nutritional diet you dont need vitamins. Eat meat.
Everyone needs vitamins you moron. LOL. What stupid title is this?! On any diet. A high carb , low fat , low protein vegan diet rich in fruits, starches , legumes and veggies is full of vitamins. You dont need supplements. Supplements cause imbalances to the body and therefore diseases . You confuse your dumb ,ignorant, gullible audience with your nonsense. Educate yourself you ignorant idiot. "Mcdougal – Do NOT use any supplements : —–> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NxLyPNsj38"
learn one think so liver got b12 reserves that last years perfect i got an argument against vegan food from vegan channel, sweet, now where does a diet that lack a key vitamin b12 and need supplementation is healthy.
Did you mention magnesium? A lot of people are deficient in magnesium. It is said that eggs and fish have magnesium, but of course their are plant foods that contain magnesium and it can be supplemented. I felt like absolute crap and was on my knees crying thinking I had to eat animal products to feel better, but I took magnesium and felt better.
my fav is protein
That was an interesting video on the basic vitamins the body needs to stay healthy.
Lol, all you vegan zombies have no knowledge of nutrition whatsoever, I sure hope you all get wiped out or die of starvation very soon. Pharma zombies.
Supplements supplements supplements, vegans sure do need a lot of them. I can get everything from Pastured raised animals, wild caught fish and pastured raw dairy!
He has a filter on to make his skin look healthy. Vegans can't fool me, you can tell by the reddish tint to the hair on his head.
Been eating 99% vegan for a few days now(except for pesto). Nuts. Seeds. Fruits. Grains. Tofu. Greens. Beans. Enriched alpro products. Tatos. I still do add some "bad stuff" like bbq sauce to some recipes. I think I kinda over eat at the moment. But then again. I ate way too little good stuff on my meat and dairy diet.
i know one thing i dont need to listen to someone who use a filter to look good for people to spread the "truth"
I take a wide variety (30) of Non-GMO fruits and vegetables in powder form which includes the pulp and skin every day additional to what I eat and my blood work is always great!
This gent has the bright eyes of clarity and the information of life.
What you need to learn about this video: EAT TOFU
another reason to eat quality animal products
Mushrooms make their own vit d in any UV light. I charge them on the windowsill.
Vitamin D3 10µg = 400 IU is a dose far too small in winter – and a negligible contribution when you get sun higher than 35 ° above the horizon (you get ~15.000 IU within minutes when unclothed and not too old).
I dont use any supplements. I probably should start B12?
Sacha inchi seed, “the peanut
of the Incas” is a good source of omega 3 too (With a omega 9, 6 & 3 ratio of 1:3,5:5 (7 grams of ALA per ounce!). And it’s more easily absorbed than flax or chia seeds. They are high in protein too and could be eaten whole, as a butter or even in oil form.

greetings from Peru 
Plant based diet is well being for the:
1. Body
2. Mind
3. Animals
4 . Society
5. Planet
It is not just about me, me,me.
It’s about broadening your circle.
Is it true that just 2 Brazil nuts contain all the Selenium that you need in a day?
Too many people in this comment section that don't supplement B12. People please, just take your B12 supplements
Ooh like for Mike!
Do research Moringa leaves and pods. The super nutrition loaded plant. Hope you'll make a video on that…
Thank you!
Fun fact: eating liver once a week will give you more than enouth of every nutrient that was mentioned in this video
Vegetology is my favourite brand. They provides Omega-3 supplement with lowest price compared to others and more discounts with more orders. They also have online shopping.
Cronometer shows high selenium contenct for corn and oats.
Awesome collaboration. Thought provoking, thorough and informative. New subscriber here

Adding Irish sea moss is idea to, the plant has 92 minerals the human body needs
For each vitamin you mention tofu haha
Great video! Keep up the good work Mic!
Please stop the music.
Deva vegan multivitamins!
Mic, LOVE seeing you here. I predict you will be remembered years, decades after your death in the late 2090s, for your immense contributions to our species and world. #NobelPeacePrize
Last week Brian Turner this week Mic The Vegan.
Good morning from Australia Mic. Quick question, do you do vegan meal plans, I'm looking for something to use in conjunction with going gym twice a week. (I know i could Google, but thought I'd ask you, since I'm already here).
Thanks for any help.