No thanks dont wanna eat something came out of chicken uterus, thats actually disgusting, meat i can understand… but eggs and milk thats just fken disgusting people wake up
This is cracked. The human is a vegan . . . that happens to maybe do all right when he eats some meat. That's pretty much it. Diet gurus come and go. And all seem to be totally "Fact-Based!" Odd that. Especially when they say diametrically opposite things. Actually, we're so adaptable that you can screw around with the craziest shit — and sometimes it doesn't catch up to you for years. By that time the diet guru is on to a new scam. So at 63 here's my bottom line: When I drink milk I can't hardly pee. I stop and I can pee again. Soooo, I don't do dairy. In my early 50s I had my knee x-rayed. Osteoarthritis, said the doctor. Went vegan and it's arrested, maybe even improved. I run just fine now. In the meantime, everybody my age is swapping scraping bone for metal. So yes, I run, work out and can keep up with 20-somethings pretty much. Bottom of bottom line: I'm staying vegan. BTW, Mr. Rogers said, If it had a mother, I won't eat it.
veganism is not nutrient deficient. nutrient deficiencies are more common in meat eaters than in vegans, and b12 deficiency rates are exactly the same regardless if you are vegan, vegetarian or not. not to mention, the largest nutrition and dietetics organization in the world said "veganism is perfectly healthy for all stages of life including childhood and pregnancy" i think mr chris kresser should do a little more research
My younger brother was cared for by my maternal family and was fed a regular diet with meats and many healthy foods vs me being cared for by my paternal family without much meats because they couldn't afford meats. My younger brother is so much stronger, taller and bigger than I am.
Jan Frodeno, Olympic gold triathlete and multiple ironman world champion. Essentially the greatest triathlete in the world right now; has been vegetarian since birth and vegan for years. Not advocating for anything just putting out some information
I love that Joe can not help but keep bringing on guest after guest in the hope someone can back up his false ideas. The research on this subject is overwhelming and this guy is lying hack, it’s very clear to anyone with any integrity and the ability to think that everything he is saying is 100% bull shit.
Some vegans say vegan isn't a diet it's a life style, these people who say they aren't vegan anymore where never really vegan. I just roll my eyes and take a tylenol because the shit gives me a headache.
"We are not carnivores because we don't naturally hunt with fangs or claws, we have to use tools." I love that argument because I can ask things like : Does the otter naturally eat shellfish when it cracks them open with a stone on it's belly? Does the chimpanzee naturally eat ants and termites when it probes the nest with a stick? Does the eagle naturally eat a turtle when it drops it on rocks to crack it open? What about seabirds that do the same thing? Does the shrike naturally eat it's food when it impales prey on thorns because it is to weak to tear flesh unassisted?
The dude in the first 49 seconds of the opener understands more about a strength base and base nutrition than like 90% of people.
No thanks dont wanna eat something came out of chicken uterus, thats actually disgusting, meat i can understand… but eggs and milk thats just fken disgusting people wake up
"I'm 90% vegan "

"Bitch that's 0% vegan"
3:16–3:23 Had me dying
veganism is 100% a scam to dumb down society and ruin out immune system
it gets more animals killed
its worse for the environment
and its extremely unhealthy long term
Joe gets all pissed off when you criticize two things: meat and weed. What a weirdo
I liked my own comment like a vegan would
I'm 90% vegan, for most of the day when I'm not eating anything.
Try eating a pineapple without peeling it!
Not fair with the steriods issue concerning the vegan because meat eaters use steroids also.
Its crazy to think most Gorillas are Vegan and the other Gorillas are like 90%/95% vegan. They must not have got the 'protein' memo.
a scientist being a creationist doesn't invalidate his opinion. people who discredit such people are ignorant.
This is cracked. The human is a vegan . . . that happens to maybe do all right when he eats some meat. That's pretty much it. Diet gurus come and go. And all seem to be totally "Fact-Based!" Odd that. Especially when they say diametrically opposite things. Actually, we're so adaptable that you can screw around with the craziest shit — and sometimes it doesn't catch up to you for years. By that time the diet guru is on to a new scam. So at 63 here's my bottom line: When I drink milk I can't hardly pee. I stop and I can pee again. Soooo, I don't do dairy. In my early 50s I had my knee x-rayed. Osteoarthritis, said the doctor. Went vegan and it's arrested, maybe even improved. I run just fine now. In the meantime, everybody my age is swapping scraping bone for metal. So yes, I run, work out and can keep up with 20-somethings pretty much. Bottom of bottom line: I'm staying vegan. BTW, Mr. Rogers said, If it had a mother, I won't eat it.
There are very little world champions, and very little vegans.. do the math.
veganism is not nutrient deficient. nutrient deficiencies are more common in meat eaters than in vegans, and b12 deficiency rates are exactly the same regardless if you are vegan, vegetarian or not. not to mention, the largest nutrition and dietetics organization in the world said "veganism is perfectly healthy for all stages of life including childhood and pregnancy" i think mr chris kresser should do a little more research
Clarence Kennedy
I LOVE ANIMALS …… cuz they taste spooo good!!
Bumper sticker seen in the parking lot
whats wrong with being a vegan ?
Novak djokovic
Let me start with the worst possible example…
Eating a Turducken while watching this. Happy Thanksgiving Fuckfaces!
Clarence Kennedy is a vegan. Unnaturally strong weightlifter
"I'm 90% on fire… BITCH YOU ON FIRE!!! "

Vegan Gains are currently building an argument against this

My younger brother was cared for by my maternal family and was fed a regular diet with meats and many healthy foods vs me being cared for by my paternal family without much meats because they couldn't afford meats. My younger brother is so much stronger, taller and bigger than I am.
Joe needs to have an informed Dr, the best healer in the world Dr Robert Morse
Jan Frodeno, Olympic gold triathlete and multiple ironman world champion. Essentially the greatest triathlete in the world right now; has been vegetarian since birth and vegan for years. Not advocating for anything just putting out some information
Lewis Hamilton but he achieved his 5 titles before going vegan , he blew the competition away to get his 6th
Don't buy meat from big food stores it's shit! Fuck Veganism.
Lewis Hamilton
3:20 it's funny Joe said that, my dad went vegan about 4 years ago which is right when he started thinking the earth was flat.. (true story)
I love that Joe can not help but keep bringing on guest after guest in the hope someone can back up his false ideas. The research on this subject is overwhelming and this guy is lying hack, it’s very clear to anyone with any integrity and the ability to think that everything he is saying is 100% bull shit.
The Diaz brothers are pretty bad ass !
Some vegans say vegan isn't a diet it's a life style, these people who say they aren't vegan anymore where never really vegan.
I just roll my eyes and take a tylenol because the shit gives me a headache.
You’d think all the anger Vegans have would make them great athletes.
Instead of insufferable assholes.
Where do you get your fiber?
"It's not the Clams"
james cameron seems to be a bad influencer
oysters don't sound good, that much zinc would give me a rock hard erection lasting for 24 hours probably
Damn, He-Man really did a number on Skeletor.
"We are not carnivores because we don't naturally hunt with fangs or claws, we have to use tools." I love that argument because I can ask things like : Does the otter naturally eat shellfish when it cracks them open with a stone on it's belly? Does the chimpanzee naturally eat ants and termites when it probes the nest with a stick? Does the eagle naturally eat a turtle when it drops it on rocks to crack it open? What about seabirds that do the same thing? Does the shrike naturally eat it's food when it impales prey on thorns because it is to weak to tear flesh unassisted?