Dan Bilzerian walks Graham through the four days of sleepless partying that led to two heart attacks and why surviving the trauma made him feel like a …
what ever makes him happy i guess. He's the kind of person who doesn't really care if he goes out partying but he sure as hell is gonna have a good time
I an writing this about 3 minutes into it. I have already turned off the sound. I feel much more stupid to ever click on the video and hear this do nothing nobody bullshit.
When you live a lifestyle like this…..you don't talk about it like this. Narssissism at it's finest. I used to live a drug fueled lifestyle like this…..cost me a ten year prison sentence. Not proud of any part of my life back then.
This guy is a joke, calling the doctors incompetent. Maybe if you weren’t running around being a fucking douchebag, you wouldn’t have had those heart attacks, and you wouldn’t have been in that situation to begin with. I hate people that wanna blame everyone for their faults. Then again, this story is mostly bullshit to begin with.
This guy sounds like a complete prick
what ever makes him happy i guess. He's the kind of person who doesn't really care if he goes out partying but he sure as hell is gonna have a good time
This guy is as smart as the couch he's sitting on
This guy is flexing about having a heart attack.
Let’s see how long you go dan boy
He won’t drink dairy cuz it’s unhealthy but finds cocaine perfectly acceptable
this is a guy who loves the sound of his own voice
has a girlfriend and bangs 7 chicks a day. damn thats what a good boyfriend sounds like
Never blame the Mexican food.
this guy looks pretty run down for a 50 year old
I an writing this about 3 minutes into it. I have already turned off the sound. I feel much more stupid to ever click on the video and hear this do nothing nobody bullshit.
How does he still blame it on the Mexican food
Douchebag Deluxe, this cat pays to be in movies.
Dude is a douche bag
This dude snap chats me
When you live a lifestyle like this…..you don't talk about it like this. Narssissism at it's finest.
I used to live a drug fueled lifestyle like this…..cost me a ten year prison sentence.
Not proud of any part of my life back then.
100% Douche…..
This guy is so shallow
The viking man wheres the shield
Dude…. his life is amazing. Cocaine whores and skiing.
What a tool!!
guy has 2 panic attacks tells everyone theyre heart attacks for publicity
Long story short
8 hours later
So long story short
It's funny ch to hear his crazy fuken stories, but I bet most of them are embellished.
Wow what a tool
This guy is a joke, calling the doctors incompetent. Maybe if you weren’t running around being a fucking douchebag, you wouldn’t have had those heart attacks, and you wouldn’t have been in that situation to begin with. I hate people that wanna blame everyone for their faults. Then again, this story is mostly bullshit to begin with.
What a loser
Idiot, a prime example of why disparity of wealth is the biggest problem in the world today.
This guy is a fucking idiot. Have heard him talk before and it's the same everytime. Party, pussy, coke, boose, pussy and more pussy.
its entertaining, dont be so hurt by his lifestyle. its crazy how much yall care.
Lie. After lie. After lie. Repeat.
My, such R-rated content. We cant have that here, youtube is PG13 bro (disliked, unsubscribed, reported)
How did I stumble on this fool?
This is trash and a waste of life.
Well deserved. Jackass.
Milkenial doctors are hopeless and dangerous. The health at the VA is has tanked. The doctors treat you according to your political beliefs.
His belly too damn big.
This guy is retarded lol
What a fucking Bellend!!!
Dude so this guys just a complete fucking retarded who should be dead…y do all the good people die and the idiot bad ones live
This man is a fool
Total douche
New world record of stupidity