Superior Fresh – Largest Aquaponics Facility in the World Uses LumiGrow LED Grow Lights
Superior Fresh is the largest aquaponics facility in the world. Their state-of-the-art fish facility is coupled with a 3-acre glass greenhouse where they grow various …
These lights are not available for sale to US or Canada?
Ya.. lumagro lights were good 2 yes ago.
I wonder what he truly believes?
They would make a killing grow some good dank
Antibiotics in the fish? They tell you nothing. Just a sales pitch for lumagrow. What do they feed the fish?
The lights turning the night sky purple is freaking out all of the ufo and conspiracy nuts right now! Lol!
Wow i love it ! Greetings from Serbia amazing job love it
I own this light and it's Not 650 watts so IDK where the Pro 650 comes from its actually 560 watts maxed out?
very good
Great video, guys! That facility looks pretty nice too.
I will be making my life doing just this , this is my dream , I will have my chance , this is amazing
Coupled or decoupled system?
led grow lights are the future! better not sleep people !