Militarization of Police Forces Brutality – John Whitehead, Herland Report TV
Herland Report host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to John Whitehead about the militarization of police brutality, the dumbing down of the American people, …
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The Herland Report is founded by Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech.
Some slave-holding men wrote some things on a piece of paper hundreds of years ago and that gives a small minority of people (the voters, the Congress, etc.) the right to rule everybody in the country? Why does nearly everybody have their head up their ass?
We have no one to blame but ourselves for voting into place governmental people who hate the Consitution and believing a media propaganda machine. Remove the Judeo/Christian foundation and you usher in tyrants.
We were a better people as agrarians. This being a world power is of no use to the folk. The whole idea was sold to us as a means of protection. Protection from whom, those we have become. Smoke and mirrors since at least Woodrow Wilson and the establishment of the Federal Reserve.
How ironic, Russia still celebrating the birth of Christ while America runs to a Stalin state. Blessed is the prince of peace. Pick your team wisely world. Another wise observation.
Herland Report news site, YouTube Channel and Podcast has millions of readers/viewers yearly. It is a great place to watch thought leaders, intellectuals, famous authors and activists from across the political spectrum. Don't miss out on important articles and TV shows, SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER:
The Herland Report is founded by Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech.
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When you take GOD out of the equation, everything becomes chaos and confusion. GOD save us in JESUS name, AMEN.
We are living in a police state – period.
Liberal mind screws at work communism through the back door see it on you tube
the constitution was suspended in 1934
"America is copying the old soviet model" Ya think ?
Student: Hey I thought we were going to learn about free speech.
Teacher: Shut up you’re gonna learn whatever I teach you.
The US is just another banana republic in the Americas.
Some slave-holding men wrote some things on a piece of paper hundreds of years ago and that gives a small minority of people (the voters, the Congress, etc.) the right to rule everybody in the country? Why does nearly everybody have their head up their ass?
We have no one to blame but ourselves for voting into place governmental people who hate the Consitution and believing a media propaganda machine. Remove the Judeo/Christian foundation and you usher in tyrants.
What a terrible system to live under tyranny.
The US cops are the terrorist.
The US is one fucked up country and it wants to export this so called democracy around the world. Shove it your big fat American Arses
We were a better people as agrarians. This being a world power is of no use to the folk. The whole idea was sold to us as a means of protection. Protection from whom, those we have become. Smoke and mirrors since at least Woodrow Wilson and the establishment of the Federal Reserve.
Very good interview!
we r a out of control police state
There is an element to Free Speech that is offensive.
Truth is like a ribbon: the visible and the other side.
🐡🌾 cc
How ironic, Russia still celebrating the birth of Christ while America runs to a Stalin state. Blessed is the prince of peace. Pick your team wisely world. Another wise observation.
Anyone who join the police or military and politics are totally insane ..