StarTalk Podcast: Science of the Brain with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Psychedelic drugs, dreams, mental health awareness, understanding our reality, and more – Neil deGrasse Tyson, neuroscientist Heather Berlin, PhD, and …
If a tree falls in the forest and no one (even an animal) hears it, then no it does not make a sound. It makes a vibration. The vibration has to be picked up by a working ear and sent to the brain which translates it into the sensory experience we call sound. So if only a snake, which has no ears, or a totally deaf person is close enough, then the vibration is felt, not heard, so it is not a sound.
22:04 1 is navy blue 2 is cool red 3 is orange 4 is cool red but warmer than 2 5 is a desaturated cyan 6 is lawn green 7 is orange 8 is chickpea yellow 9 is a richer yellow 10 is sky blue and white 11 is black
I never get the tree falls, no one is there does it make sound?
Of course it does, it still creates vibrations in the air thus sound. I remember back in high school teachers would ask this and i would be the only yes and just say what i just stil vibrates the air thus has sound.
So can we say "If a star dies but no one sees it, does it die?"
36:11 I actually just had a nightmare of getting caught out in the woods with a bear, thinking I could sneak past, but it saw me and started charging me and I realized that there was absolutely nowhere for me to hide or escape. i woke up in fear and with a deep sense of dread all over my body. I'm pretty sure I'll never make such a mistake in real life after that terrible experience
Why so little about dreams? They might be rendom shooted impulses but it does not seem to be an answer to so many kind of dreams of one person going through life would experience. We know that children at certain age have similar kind of dreams. There are so many type of dreams, could call them learning dreams, coping dreams, pleasure dreams (sexual), identity dream where you are a different person or animal, flying or having super human or animalistic powers, nightmares which often include features like diabolic scenes, usually expressed by feeling of some dark energy. Experence of death and after death experiences and other feelings. We know that animals have dreams, we know that even the easiest brain needs to sleep so there must be a reason. What is the reason? Dreams are just a story to rendom shooting in brain. Why and how are these stories different yet so similar at many or may be all times. How is the story related to what was happening in the rendom shooting? Why person has these dreams which repeat all their life. Why? Do people with diagnosed schizofrenia schizofrenic dreams or "normal" dreams? There was also a good question about time perception. We are actually able to live only in the present and percieve only now so can actually dreams be connected to cope mechanism which let´s us experience past and future? Apologies for my English.
I’m not a doc nor believe myself to be well versed in brain science.. But I have a question. Around the 20 minute mark when they discuss different stimuli and altering it’s course. When they hook or attach a camera to a brain, are the signals from the camera being ‘sent in’ electrical? How can a camera connected to living tissue convey a message to biological material. I am not well educated in neuroscience or human visual interpretation. But I feel that DaVinci’s disproven theory on the function of sight is more applicable when it comes to stimulating the brain to see from artificial means.
I don’t have the means to access more in-depth studies or articles that may have covered this. If anyone reads this with the slightest of knowledge or interest let me know. Email me at
I’m not a doc nor believe myself to be well versed in brain science.. But I have a question. Around the 20 minute mark when they discuss different stimuli and altering it’s course. When they hook or attach a camera to a brain, are the signals from the camera being ‘sent in’ electrical? How can a camera connected to living tissue convey a message to biological material. I am not well educated in neuroscience or human visual interpretation. But I feel that DaVinci’s disproven theory on the function of sight is more applicable when it comes to stimulating the brain to see from artificial means.
I don’t have the means to access more in-depth studies or articles that may have covered this. If anyone reads this with the slightest of knowledge or interest let me know. Email me at
Oh that is so misleading. To say that we can fix your brain problems by just giving you drugs. That is wrong. The truth is they know very little about the brain or what these drugs do to the brain. If that's what they are doing is a crapshoot turning the dials and pegs of the chemicals in your brain hoping for a good result. But that statement she made about a week and just give you a drug and bang it's all fixed is completely false. That rarely happens and it fast is just a Band-Aid covering the real problem
How have you used your brain today?
isn't a hysterectomy removal of the uterus? pretty sure neil couldn't have one.
Why is it that there are less comments on this than on one of Neil’s posts. This is actually not fully true, but kind of funny.
Brain has north and south probably
If a tree falls in the forest and no one (even an animal) hears it, then no it does not make a sound. It makes a vibration. The vibration has to be picked up by a working ear and sent to the brain which translates it into the sensory experience we call sound. So if only a snake, which has no ears, or a totally deaf person is close enough, then the vibration is felt, not heard, so it is not a sound.
1 is navy blue
2 is cool red
3 is orange
4 is cool red but warmer than 2
5 is a desaturated cyan
6 is lawn green
7 is orange
8 is chickpea yellow
9 is a richer yellow
10 is sky blue and white
11 is black
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ph.D. would do a great Personal AI voice.
Wouldn't it be nice to hear his voice on your AI?
Thanks that was very good. More like this would be very nice if you get the time . Thank you:)
Always Interesting
what fires together wires together
That should be in every married couples bedroom wall
Brain doc is fit
Every show deserves a Jamie.
But.. what about the man with 2 brains?
I never get the tree falls, no one is there does it make sound?
Of course it does, it still creates vibrations in the air thus sound. I remember back in high school teachers would ask this and i would be the only yes and just say what i just stil vibrates the air thus has sound.
So can we say "If a star dies but no one sees it, does it die?"
Is this article based on good science?
36:11 I actually just had a nightmare of getting caught out in the woods with a bear, thinking I could sneak past, but it saw me and started charging me and I realized that there was absolutely nowhere for me to hide or escape. i woke up in fear and with a deep sense of dread all over my body. I'm pretty sure I'll never make such a mistake in real life after that terrible experience
Why so little about dreams? They might be rendom shooted impulses but it does not seem to be an answer to so many kind of dreams of one person going through life would experience. We know that children at certain age have similar kind of dreams. There are so many type of dreams, could call them learning dreams, coping dreams, pleasure dreams (sexual), identity dream where you are a different person or animal, flying or having super human or animalistic powers, nightmares which often include features like diabolic scenes, usually expressed by feeling of some dark energy. Experence of death and after death experiences and other feelings. We know that animals have dreams, we know that even the easiest brain needs to sleep so there must be a reason. What is the reason? Dreams are just a story to rendom shooting in brain. Why and how are these stories different yet so similar at many or may be all times. How is the story related to what was happening in the rendom shooting? Why person has these dreams which repeat all their life. Why? Do people with diagnosed schizofrenia schizofrenic dreams or "normal" dreams? There was also a good question about time perception. We are actually able to live only in the present and percieve only now so can actually dreams be connected to cope mechanism which let´s us experience past and future? Apologies for my English.
psilocyben i wanna know if it really does let you get info from the Core or they just tripping lol
I’m not a doc nor believe myself to be well versed in brain science.. But I have a question. Around the 20 minute mark when they discuss different stimuli and altering it’s course. When they hook or attach a camera to a brain, are the signals from the camera being ‘sent in’ electrical? How can a camera connected to living tissue convey a message to biological material. I am not well educated in neuroscience or human visual interpretation. But I feel that DaVinci’s disproven theory on the function of sight is more applicable when it comes to stimulating the brain to see from artificial means.
I don’t have the means to access more in-depth studies or articles that may have covered this. If anyone reads this with the slightest of knowledge or interest let me know. Email me at
Thank you,
I’m not a doc nor believe myself to be well versed in brain science.. But I have a question. Around the 20 minute mark when they discuss different stimuli and altering it’s course. When they hook or attach a camera to a brain, are the signals from the camera being ‘sent in’ electrical? How can a camera connected to living tissue convey a message to biological material. I am not well educated in neuroscience or human visual interpretation. But I feel that DaVinci’s disproven theory on the function of sight is more applicable when it comes to stimulating the brain to see from artificial means.
I don’t have the means to access more in-depth studies or articles that may have covered this. If anyone reads this with the slightest of knowledge or interest let me know. Email me at
Thank you,
Oh that is so misleading. To say that we can fix your brain problems by just giving you drugs. That is wrong. The truth is they know very little about the brain or what these drugs do to the brain. If that's what they are doing is a crapshoot turning the dials and pegs of the chemicals in your brain hoping for a good result. But that statement she made about a week and just give you a drug and bang it's all fixed is completely false. That rarely happens and it fast is just a Band-Aid covering the real problem
Also was a brain transplant on Friends. (kidding)
Drugs as in anaesthetics on redheads are different as well