I just found this video and I like it. I also found One of your fan’s YouTube channel and I love their vids! But on their twitter they put up a preview for their new music video which has a dance to it. It seems that he’s Illuminati. https://twitter.com/wh_dictionarwyn/status/982535987334004741?s=21
I'm GRepping 😎
meh, April 20th….time to not sleep tonight
ITS TODAY!!!!! 20TH APRIL!!!!!!!!! LETS SEE!!!
I love marijuana
First positive conspiracy I've heard in a long time! 😉 thanks Rep!
Pfft hilarious
It won’t because the worlds gonna end
420 blaze it #REPSQUAD
Oh wow! A green moon? That'll would be interesting if true! Thanks for the video Rep! Hi Greg!
It's Weird Bcuz That Day Is Ayyaz's Birthday……
420 is my day its a fact
That's so funny yo
ok Uranus is still funniest name for a planet and I have to laugh every time I hear it's name
I've been so busy I haven't been able to watch your videos but now I'm able to ♡ so happy
Colt 45 , lol! Caught that reference… this is pretty pathetic not gonna lie. #Repzilla <33 #Repsquad
Wow the length of the video is 4:20. I hope to one day smoke up with you Rep. if you are into that.
is April 19th and April 20th a "blood sacrifice to baal" day for the Illuminati? and they like the moon and shit
Your so frackin hilarious ! Where's Greg???
Feldman is still a crackpot ..
1:16 RepZilla, it’s been so long since I’ve seen that Thug Life animation! So Funny 😂 😂
Also the length of the video…i see what you did there.
you scared me a little bit but awesome dude!
Seems legit
I never heard of this
Yey another video…..
#REPSQUAD I don’t want a shout out tho but if so I just want Greg to show his face then I’ll know it’s for me hahah #Gregster💜
I just found this video and I like it. I also found One of your fan’s YouTube channel and I love their vids! But on their twitter they put up a preview for their new music video which has a dance to it. It seems that he’s Illuminati. https://twitter.com/wh_dictionarwyn/status/982535987334004741?s=21
#REPSQUAD Also "marijuana fire" had me crying from laughter I don't even know why 😂😂😂
Colt 45 and 2 zig zags… 😎
#RepSquad I love your channel. By the way if I get shouted out in a vid tell the people to eat chicken wings
Thug life lmao
You are awesome! Keep doing what your doing!!!
The videos on these channels are so interesting! #REPSQUAD btw first
First to like lol