MOVING TO LA GAVE ME ANXIETY | What Helped Me Most! Girl Chat
Hi friends! Today we’re doing a #RealTalk about anxiety, how I deal with stress, preventing myself from burning out at work and my favorite CBD oils and how I …
What vision do you have in mind for in two or three years? I would love to know generally how you set goals. I'm trying to get my Youtube channel started but finding it hard to have motivation and would love to know what you do.
I also deal with anxiety and stress. I ordered CBD gummies from Just CBD and so far so good! I take one before bed. I have trouble sleeping because of racing thoughts. Working out helped me a lot too!
You emphasized working out so much in maintaining stress and it really brought me back to how I haven't been at the gym as much as I should! Hearing it from you definitely made me realize how lazy I've been lately and it's a good time to go back to release the stress. Thanks, Christine! I also love that you talked about good energy attracts good energy. That's the law of attraction for you! Love you!
Can you share why you upgraded your camera from a6000 to a6400?
What vision do you have in mind for in two or three years? I would love to know generally how you set goals. I'm trying to get my Youtube channel started but finding it hard to have motivation and would love to know what you do.
You’ve inspired me to work out again!!!

Thanks for sharing CBD oil recommendations! I've tried CBD gummies and they didn't really help so might look into oil next!
I also deal with anxiety and stress. I ordered CBD gummies from Just CBD and so far so good! I take one before bed. I have trouble sleeping because of racing thoughts. Working out helped me a lot too!
nice video and you cut your hair looks pretttttyyyyy
You emphasized working out so much in maintaining stress and it really brought me back to how I haven't been at the gym as much as I should! Hearing it from you definitely made me realize how lazy I've been lately and it's a good time to go back to release the stress. Thanks, Christine! I also love that you talked about good energy attracts good energy. That's the law of attraction for you! Love you!
Hi Christine, just curious if you were ever diagnosed with some form of anxiety disorder?