Agricultural weeds featured at the Daylesford Agricultural Show
Patrick speaks on the benefits and uses of agricultural weeds as both food and medicine at the 2019 Daylesford Agricultural Show. Documented by Michal …
Actually, organic farmers love Scotch thistle, this plant breaks hard ground apart, and in tired land is a fab fixer, then when it is slashed and dug under to make way for a planting it introduces minerals and trace elements to the ground that contribute to very healthy crops, be that a grass and clover crop, lucerne or perhaps peas, they are a wonderful soil rejuvinator. I jut let them grow, the horses love them, and my old boy lived to 36, my old girl still stands at 30, so they must be good 🙂
Actually, organic farmers love Scotch thistle, this plant breaks hard ground apart, and in tired land is a fab fixer, then when it is slashed and dug under to make way for a planting it introduces minerals and trace elements to the ground that contribute to very healthy crops, be that a grass and clover crop, lucerne or perhaps peas, they are a wonderful soil rejuvinator. I jut let them grow, the horses love them, and my old boy lived to 36, my old girl still stands at 30, so they must be good 🙂
Thank you so much pracitcal information 😊👍