A girl raped at 14 and her parents didn’t believe her. Witness her cry for help and what sparked hope. Plus, ministry leader Dr. Richard Roberts shares why …
Whats the real truth over there in Turkey/Syria? We are not the world police. Is this what the UN should b doing? Speak against Trump 700 club? I'm sure he knows more than you about this situation.
You ever notice the same people that criticize Americans leaving the middle east are the same ones who DONT GO! Don’t have their kids go, but expect everyone else to.
Pat my pain for the mentally ill homeless. I want to help !!! I have bipolar. For decades now I did go to the hospital and my family prays for me. Lord Bless them all who are hurting .
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Lord come. Faster?
Pat Robinson your crossing the line . Are you part of the
Whats the real truth over there in Turkey/Syria? We are not the world police. Is this what the UN should b doing? Speak against Trump 700 club? I'm sure he knows more than you about this situation.
You ever notice the same people that criticize Americans leaving the middle east are the same ones who DONT GO! Don’t have their kids go, but expect everyone else to.
Why does Dale Hurd only report on BAD NEWS?
Pat my pain for the mentally ill homeless. I want to help !!! I have bipolar. For decades now I did go to the hospital and my family prays for me. Lord Bless them all who are hurting .
Why are you all sounding so fearful. Did the Word of God not say wars and rumours of wars and that these are the beginning of sorrows.