Strip clubs may be a place to party for some, but for female entertainers, they are an office space. And over the past few years that workplace has changed …
“I’ve had resentment as a dancer, I remember resenting bartenders,” Chela, who recently transitioned from dancing to bartending, tells VICE News. “It becomes very aggressive. People forget who they are when they start to see money.”
This is why I love dancing in Canada .. no position is favoured more than a stripper . You can never step on our toes. American clubs are so cut throat
I don’t understand why she thinks costumers prefer Hispanics strippers over black strippers. My friend took me to a strip club for the first time this year. I saw lots of European (Russian), Hispanics and blacks. I asked my friend, if he had any preference?. He told me, he and most costumers prefer a stripper that dance well, has a great attitude, talkative and attentive.
Can someone explain to me how the stripper strike related to bartenders….or racism? lmao.
It looks like the real beef is that you cant really talk to stripper (without paying her explicitly cuz time is money boo) while you can chill by a bar get drinks and talk to a bartender
I’d be fuming if I seen another female grab my money on the stage I was dancing on to the floor where she was stood hell no there needs to be some rules made to regulate who’s money is who’s, that would just make animosity that eventually lead into arguments an Maybe fights in some situations if u was a little shy an started dancing u would be eat for breakfast at this club
I'd say in my experience, the trend is just the opposite. Strippers have told me they started out as bar tenders but needed the money. One said she had a PHD, but since Obamacare, paying off her student debt is easier stripping. There have been a number of bars in my area that illegally have or had (one was shut down) the waitresses and bar tenders serve the patrons naked. Unless you count a stripper asking you to buy them expensive drinks so they can get commission on it and only take a sip bar tending.
I feel like stripping gets a bad rep, if your ass is crusty and not able to work the pole then you’re not getting money. It seems like it takes a lot of physical endurance as well as mental (having to keep the spirits of the customers up) AND you have to make sure you look good. I feel like for me at least I just go and do my job, like I go and I make food for people I don’t have to worry about doing tricks or looking good.
Shameless woman all are going to hell… you talk about respecting all woman and yet you guys are prostitutes spreading vulgarity and diseases into minds of people… horrible pathetic way of earning shameless woman… go to hell
im glad i figured it out early. its bad enuff giving a women with her hand out money period. why would you give em money for just nudity? plus black females are responsible for the trashy mentality fag!ts have so i personally look at fag!ts and black women the same.
“I’ve had resentment as a dancer, I remember resenting bartenders,” Chela, who recently transitioned from dancing to bartending, tells VICE News. “It becomes very aggressive. People forget who they are when they start to see money.”
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How stupid throwing money at someone.
Why spend singles on some thots when you could invest those singles into making more money for you?
American culture I guess
The stage shouldn’t be behind the bar tbh .
Is there a stripper union forming in 2020?

So I gotta leave New York to see black strippers
. Shoot that's fine by me.
Literally throwing money away. Ill never do that again
I think last year at the Stripper Bowl in Atlanta them hoes made like $8 million if not that millions.
So strippers are dumber than we thought
The stage being behind the bar is kinda wack tho the bartenders can steal money easy asab lol
Don’t really care about this I’m just watchin the video because all the thick bitches
Stfu go get a real job
Here we go wit this victim mentality I'm Hispanic and I love dark skin women
This is why I love dancing in Canada .. no position is favoured more than a stripper . You can never step on our toes. American clubs are so cut throat
I don’t understand why she thinks costumers prefer Hispanics strippers over black strippers. My friend took me to a strip club for the first time this year. I saw lots of European (Russian), Hispanics and blacks. I asked my friend, if he had any preference?. He told me, he and most costumers prefer a stripper that dance well, has a great attitude, talkative and attentive.
The black women were pushed out of NY and was forced to dance in the surrounding areas like Jersey, Philly etc.
youre not a bartender >> u only a slut who show her boobs for money .. zero knowledge of bars
Whats her name she fine as a mf i would gibe her my attention too
I would become a bartender but I'm not dressing like that
hope it doesn't become too much of the norm
Can someone explain to me how the stripper strike related to bartenders….or racism? lmao.
It looks like the real beef is that you cant really talk to stripper (without paying her explicitly cuz time is money boo) while you can chill by a bar get drinks and talk to a bartender
I’d be fuming if I seen another female grab my money on the stage I was dancing on to the floor where she was stood hell no there needs to be some rules made to regulate who’s money is who’s, that would just make animosity that eventually lead into arguments an Maybe fights in some situations if u was a little shy an started dancing u would be eat for breakfast at this club
Damn look at that beast to the left at 2:46. They really let a girl like that dance. Look at her gut
I'd say in my experience, the trend is just the opposite. Strippers have told me they started out as bar tenders but needed the money. One said she had a PHD, but since Obamacare, paying off her student debt is easier stripping. There have been a number of bars in my area that illegally have or had (one was shut down) the waitresses and bar tenders serve the patrons naked. Unless you count a stripper asking you to buy them expensive drinks so they can get commission on it and only take a sip bar tending.
Damn weres this spot at..
I feel like stripping gets a bad rep, if your ass is crusty and not able to work the pole then you’re not getting money. It seems like it takes a lot of physical endurance as well as mental (having to keep the spirits of the customers up) AND you have to make sure you look good. I feel like for me at least I just go and do my job, like I go and I make food for people I don’t have to worry about doing tricks or looking good.
Didn't think i would hear a Che Guevara reference in this video <3
Capitalism. Take it or don't and be a complainer. You're better off not complaining and stfu.
Shameless woman all are going to hell… you talk about respecting all woman and yet you guys are prostitutes spreading vulgarity and diseases into minds of people… horrible pathetic way of earning shameless woman… go to hell
awwwwww, poor strippers……
Who would turn away from you, mama?
gotta respect they hustle, gotta make that bread somehow
im glad i figured it out early. its bad enuff giving a women with her hand out money period. why would you give em money for just nudity? plus black females are responsible for the trashy mentality fag!ts have so i personally look at fag!ts and black women the same.
This is the best video ived ever watched on YouTube better than wrold star
because as bartenders they can talk to the tricks directly
August 28, 2019: If this is the only way for you to make a living, I wish you all the best! Clovis, New Mexico
Do the bartenders lap dance or give some extra action for those tips? If so, let'ssss goooooo!
@1:00 splendid side-boob!
Do i see 69 girl bottom right 1:24