Mental healthcare = Medical Gaslighting of biofilm infections such as USA300-BKV, so doctors can upcode and allegedly get 33% kickbacks from other physicians, private insurance forwarding mental healthcare bills and many others to Medicaid Part C/ taxes etc. $1,500 minimum to up to $6,000 A DAY, PER PATIENT, then patients dropped on the street brain damaged like skid row, California? Biofilm's relation to autoimmune disease, cancer etc. look it up, smh and Social Security Administration refusing to pay what $700 a month after doctors refuse to treat infections? Blatant racket?
Virtually the same thing happened in the 70s with alleged criminals being let out smh, the guy interviewed seemed decent but… idk
Mental healthcare = Medical Gaslighting of biofilm infections such as USA300-BKV, so doctors can upcode and allegedly get 33% kickbacks from other physicians, private insurance forwarding mental healthcare bills and many others to Medicaid Part C/ taxes etc. $1,500 minimum to up to $6,000 A DAY, PER PATIENT, then patients dropped on the street brain damaged like skid row, California? Biofilm's relation to autoimmune disease, cancer etc. look it up, smh and Social Security Administration refusing to pay what $700 a month after doctors refuse to treat infections? Blatant racket?
A new rule should be to forgive my college loans.
Crime is already getting worse thanks to douchebag Cuomo and Deblasio. That is why New York is losing population.
Tax tax tax