turpenes in the vape are oil, that oil coats our lungs alveoli. oils can go through your lungs cell walls, but not all at once. so, use that stuff in moderation, smoking is bad mmm k. i use a nebulizer to clear that junk out, when im feeling like it's a problem, vodka and water.
Y’all worry about vaping soooo much with teens when cigarettes are still killing 100,000 people a year in there 40-60…
turpenes in the vape are oil, that oil coats our lungs alveoli. oils can go through your lungs cell walls, but not all at once. so, use that stuff in moderation, smoking is bad mmm k.
i use a nebulizer to clear that junk out, when im feeling like it's a problem, vodka and water.
1000s of alcohol related deaths everyday and people are still fear mongering about a harmless herb