2020 Daily Trail Markers: Senator Bernie Sanders rolls out new marijuana legalization policy
At 4:20 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont rolled out an ambitious new plan to legalize marijuana. If elected president, Sanders …
So Bernie. Is weed going to be free like everything else? Maybe you can get the rich to pay for that too. You're an evil man. Your end will be of pain.
Sanders is pure garbage. So let me get this right. While you're smoking weed and getting high the tech industry is creating the next generation of super technology and earning billions. And when they get paid you're going to ask for your "share" of their billions- what for? So you can buy more weed. Time to realize you're broke because you're an idiot. There is no cure for stupid.
Anyone in NYC today October 26 come out to the UBI March between 10:30 and 1:00 @ 420W 145th Street. Let's March to end poverty let's March for a better US and let's March for Yang2020!
If he adds UBI and VAT maybe by the time of the election he'll have Andrew Yang's platform. LOL. Until then….still no funding for any of his policies. The wealth tax doesn't work. Failed taxing already proven.
Bernie is the only choice and is the real deal and best candidate for president not only to beat Trump but to implement every bill he's been fighting for, for real.
Police have the ability to illegally search and seize anyone just by saying they "smelled" marijuana… and have been for 4 decades to fill our profitable prisons with predominantly young men of color. This would end that injustice
It's way past time to legalize marijuana and expunge records. This aspect of the War on Drugs has hurt so many, and for what? Alcohol causes a lot of damage and has always been legal to consume — "It wasn't illegal to drink alcohol during Prohibition. The 18th Amendment only forbade the βmanufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquorsββnot their consumption. By law, any wine, beer or spirits Americans had stashed away in January 1920 were theirs to keep and enjoy in the privacy of their homes." It was only illegal to manufacture, sell, and transport for a few years also. Yet, we have imprisoned and ruined lives over marijuana???
Pooping while typing thisπ
So Bernie. Is weed going to be free like everything else? Maybe you can get the rich to pay for that too. You're an evil man. Your end will be of pain.
#Bernie2020 πΊπΈ
Sanders is pure garbage.
So let me get this right. While you're smoking weed and getting high the tech industry is creating the next generation of super technology and earning billions. And when they get paid you're going to ask for your "share" of their billions- what for? So you can buy more weed. Time to realize you're broke because you're an idiot. There is no cure for stupid.
It will always be 4:20 somewhere! Go Bernie!
RIP Bernie we will miss you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3dF66EGydg
Bernie 420 and 2020
About time!
I am soo done with the health thing omg !! π
Biden 2020
Corporate media 4 months from now: "Bernie Sanders, who had a heart attack four months ago…"
Going for the pot vote lol
We need to legalize opioids for personal use too. Cmon Bernie …
Legalize Socialism.
Anyone in NYC today October 26 come out to the UBI March between 10:30 and 1:00 @ 420W 145th Street. Let's March to end poverty let's March for a better US and let's March for Yang2020!
Good reporting by the field reporter.
The man cant be stopped…#Bernie2020
lmao this is the only way democrats can get votes by catering to the pot heads
Hmmm what's that I'm feeling? I'm not really sure…building…zeroing in on it now….I FEEL THE BERN! Bernie Sanders- the people's liberator.
marijuana should be studied for medical benefits, not demonized
What is too old? The electoral college
If he adds UBI and VAT maybe by the time of the election he'll have Andrew Yang's platform. LOL. Until then….still no funding for any of his policies. The wealth tax doesn't work. Failed taxing already proven.
Bernie is the only choice and is the real deal and best candidate for president not only to beat Trump but to implement every bill he's been fighting for, for real.
Bernie the Clown π
How did we let get like this how is a plant against the law π€£π€£π€£π€£π
Thank you for the thorough and positive coverage of Bernie Sanders
ππ #Bernie2020 ππ
Typical potheads will be high in the basement on election day lol While Trump wins by a landslide
Police have the ability to illegally search and seize anyone just by saying they "smelled" marijuana… and have been for 4 decades to fill our profitable prisons with predominantly young men of color. This would end that injustice
He took 2 days off… Literally the minimum amount of time necessary to use a plurality to "day"
It's way past time to legalize marijuana and expunge records. This aspect of the War on Drugs has hurt so many, and for what? Alcohol causes a lot of damage and has always been legal to consume — "It wasn't illegal to drink alcohol during Prohibition. The 18th Amendment only forbade the βmanufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquorsββnot their consumption. By law, any wine, beer or spirits Americans had stashed away in January 1920 were theirs to keep and enjoy in the privacy of their homes." It was only illegal to manufacture, sell, and transport for a few years also. Yet, we have imprisoned and ruined lives over marijuana???
Bernie is going to drop dead of a heart attack before the primaries. Pick Dementia career politician and Chinese puppet Joe.
#Bernie2020 π π
#FeelTheBern π₯π₯π₯
#OrdainedByBird π¦
There's going to be a lot of ticked-off Bernie supporters when crooked Hillary enters the race, because it will be bye-bye Bernie, AGAIN
Why not talk about Joe Biden's age?