I agree that it's not worth it to smoke when it's illegal but I also believe in that everyone should be aware when smoking of the possible "negative" effects it can have especially for the youth (25 years and younger are more susceptible to drug induced psychosis/ or schizophrenia) I can only imagine how much more if your weed is laced. The science behind it all comes down to over the years "dopamine" which is a natural anti-phychotic is not as current in marijuana. I suppose there might of been more dopamine in marijuana in the 70's compared to now. But if your brain is not fully developed and you are under 25 and you decide to smoke you are risking spending time in a psych ward and losing your sanity. Since I'm a stranger and you don't trust me just watch the documentary (Down side of high from David Suzuki) I'm saying this kindly, believe me I think if I were mean about I wouldn't of said anything at all… just wanted to put that out there considering this is a marijuana topic… BE SAFE Y'ALL 😛
Alcohol is poison. We have been brainwashed as a society for many years. Finally the veil is being lifted. I have ONLY ever gotten myself injured, in trouble, or in the hospital from excess alcohol consumption.
I with ya bro! Also something else to add is that people need to understand that people can be allergic to to it like my self where 1 whiff & my throat closes almost instantly & I can't breathe & then once it's gone my nose turns into a water mess for 2 to 3 days! So please be respectful of the people your around when in public because you could be potentially harming someone. Much love & Blessings! Love the video btw 😁🤙👍❤
You dont have balance young man, you hav a lifetime fight. I am not judgeing you for making the life choices you hav. But since you influence so many young people..not quite men yet..who probably do not hav your restraint or reflective abilities…but think they do…i think you hav possibly done them harm as they will certainly emulate you without the quality of your willpower..and they will not hav success in life for following you down this path. I think if you truly did not hav a life view of considerable self-importance..you would hav considered those young people who so look up to you.
Totally awesome that you’re sharing this! I think we’re pretty close to the tipping point where stigma around weed is starting to plummet. It’s great when positive influencers like yourself open up about smoking, so folks can see it’s not just for “lazy stoners with no motivation” or whatever. Keep being awesome, dude!
Every time I take a long break, I gain a lot of weight. When I partake, I make good choices like eating really healthy and working out. When I stop, I binge constantly. So weird.
I have always been super against weed and I thought it was only for lazy people who wanted to sit around and do nothing.. I have borderline personality disorder and have found that prescription medications don't help me deal with my intense mood swings, extreme, anxious thinking, and racing thoughts. However, just a couple weeks ago I started smoking weed and it has helped so much with calming my mood (even when I'm not "high") I'm able to look at things more objectively and less based on my extreme emotions, which in turn has allowed me to be the most successful I have ever been in my whole life. Also have insomnia because of the racing thoughts and smoking allows me to sleep without the groggy feeling the next morning that sleeping pills cause. Just saying you can smoke weed and be successful. Also you can have BPD and be successful! Thank you to both you and Sammie for your content
Im vegan a lil over 4 yrs now & not gonna lie i loveeeeee smokin!!!! Its my favorite it relaxes me after a long 10 hr day of cleaning up to 25 rooms a day in housekeeping!!!!! Im bouta roll up now matter fact while i watch this LOL i feel like it helps me concentrate more better it literally helps me thru everything even depression!
My doctor recommended it for my stress (I'm just a high strung person) and it has helped get me to a spot to want to get back into working out and having the motivation. Thank you for this video ❤❤
Man, not a vegan, but im a big fan of you and have been following you since I got into fitness almost 5 years ago, I'm also a frequent user of Jazz Cabbage. So cool that you are such a responsible example of how weed can be okay or even beneficial if used responsibly. Hammer on the nail with saying that some people shouldnt smoke cause they will fall into bad habits, somethings work for some people and not for others.
Vaping is picking up allot and a store in Berlin (Verdampftnochmal) is selling home-made, wooden vaporizers. It's a plant like many others that our species consumed in search of ecstatic experiences but like anything too much of anything can destabilize a balance. It's consumption being linked to depression in studies has no real say in what the plant can do but more of what we, as humans with almost unlimited access to anyTHING (in industrialized areas) can do.
I urge you to try a vaporizer. I'm sure you have but if there's a next time where you use cannabis for an extended period of time try getting the Solo Arizer 2 vaporizer. Way healthier and a much cleaner way to use cannabis.
Around 5:41 the ear poking cracked me up xD
Every single thing you said made so much fuckin sense. #suuuuuuubscribed
Brian, love your channel, are you meditating to quite the "monkey mind"? You need to cage that bitch..lol
I totally agree with you on this.
I was wondering – have you tried meditation for a while? It could help relax and clear the mind too and no smoke damage to your lungs 🙂
I agree that it's not worth it to smoke when it's illegal but I also believe in that everyone should be aware when smoking of the possible "negative" effects it can have especially for the youth (25 years and younger are more susceptible to drug induced psychosis/ or schizophrenia) I can only imagine how much more if your weed is laced. The science behind it all comes down to over the years "dopamine" which is a natural anti-phychotic is not as current in marijuana. I suppose there might of been more dopamine in marijuana in the 70's compared to now. But if your brain is not fully developed and you are under 25 and you decide to smoke you are risking spending time in a psych ward and losing your sanity. Since I'm a stranger and you don't trust me just watch the documentary (Down side of high from David Suzuki) I'm saying this kindly, believe me I think if I were mean about I wouldn't of said anything at all… just wanted to put that out there considering this is a marijuana topic… BE SAFE Y'ALL 😛
fucking love the truth being spoken on this channel!!!!
Oh trust me, there was enough full day of eatings where you and sammy looked hella baked 😉 . Toke on brother, cheers from canada!
Damn B! You’re a real one 10000%! Much love!:)
Alcohol is poison. We have been brainwashed as a society for many years. Finally the veil is being lifted. I have ONLY ever gotten myself injured, in trouble, or in the hospital from excess alcohol consumption.
Does weed show up for blood tests while on accutane?
Can you smoke weed on accutane??????
I with ya bro! Also something else to add is that people need to understand that people can be allergic to to it like my self where 1 whiff & my throat closes almost instantly & I can't breathe & then once it's gone my nose turns into a water mess for 2 to 3 days! So please be respectful of the people your around when in public because you could be potentially harming someone. Much love & Blessings! Love the video btw 😁🤙👍❤
You dont have balance young man, you hav a lifetime fight. I am not judgeing you for making the life choices you hav. But since you influence so many young people..not quite men yet..who probably do not hav your restraint or reflective abilities…but think they do…i think you hav possibly done them harm as they will certainly emulate you without the quality of your willpower..and they will not hav success in life for following you down this path. I think if you truly did not hav a life view of considerable self-importance..you would hav considered those young people who so look up to you.
Tell us more about your investments
Sounds like you have a really healthy relationship with marijuana 👌🏼💚
Bro please only invest in Bitcoin long-term other crypto's will all die 100%
Smoke weed everyday bro helps you relax
Brian aren’t there 2 types of weed? The calm down and the energetic weed?
Totally awesome that you’re sharing this! I think we’re pretty close to the tipping point where stigma around weed is starting to plummet. It’s great when positive influencers like yourself open up about smoking, so folks can see it’s not just for “lazy stoners with no motivation” or whatever. Keep being awesome, dude!
I just cant stop eating when I smoke lol
Every time I take a long break, I gain a lot of weight. When I partake, I make good choices like eating really healthy and working out. When I stop, I binge constantly. So weird.
I have always been super against weed and I thought it was only for lazy people who wanted to sit around and do nothing.. I have borderline personality disorder and have found that prescription medications don't help me deal with my intense mood swings, extreme, anxious thinking, and racing thoughts. However, just a couple weeks ago I started smoking weed and it has helped so much with calming my mood (even when I'm not "high") I'm able to look at things more objectively and less based on my extreme emotions, which in turn has allowed me to be the most successful I have ever been in my whole life. Also have insomnia because of the racing thoughts and smoking allows me to sleep without the groggy feeling the next morning that sleeping pills cause. Just saying you can smoke weed and be successful. Also you can have BPD and be successful! Thank you to both you and Sammie for your content
Marijuana is growing in acceptance. I love that you did this video!!! .
Fuck what anyone thinks. Im gonna get big high as shit cos thats how I rooooollll
Im vegan a lil over 4 yrs now & not gonna lie i loveeeeee smokin!!!! Its my favorite it relaxes me after a long 10 hr day of cleaning up to 25 rooms a day in housekeeping!!!!! Im bouta roll up now matter fact while i watch this LOL i feel like it helps me concentrate more better it literally helps me thru everything even depression!
My doctor recommended it for my stress (I'm just a high strung person) and it has helped get me to a spot to want to get back into working out and having the motivation. Thank you for this video ❤❤
Wow….I'm very disappointed in you…for not passing the dutchie. Jk
Man, not a vegan, but im a big fan of you and have been following you since I got into fitness almost 5 years ago, I'm also a frequent user of Jazz Cabbage. So cool that you are such a responsible example of how weed can be okay or even beneficial if used responsibly. Hammer on the nail with saying that some people shouldnt smoke cause they will fall into bad habits, somethings work for some people and not for others.
Also no wonder those CT videos were so dope!
Vaping is picking up allot and a store in Berlin (Verdampftnochmal) is selling home-made, wooden vaporizers. It's a plant like many others that our species consumed in search of ecstatic experiences but like anything too much of anything can destabilize a balance. It's consumption being linked to depression in studies has no real say in what the plant can do but more of what we, as humans with almost unlimited access to anyTHING (in industrialized areas) can do.
nice point
Im just happy this isnt a why im not vegan anymore video
You defintely look like you would smoke, so Im not suprised
I wanna smoke again😭😭…alot better than beer….quit 15 yrs ago… To keep my job and support my kids…
Smoking pot isn't that bad, maintain control, dont let it control you and dont be a pussy =)
Honestly cbd flower has really helped my consistency
I urge you to try a vaporizer. I'm sure you have but if there's a next time where you use cannabis for an extended period of time try getting the Solo Arizer 2 vaporizer. Way healthier and a much cleaner way to use cannabis.
Thank you so much for making this video