Hempworx Presentation 2019 | Hempworx Compensation Plan 2019 | My Daily Choice | Candace Byrd Davis
Join Candace Byrd Davis for the Hempworx Presentation 2019. Hear all about the CBD Business, the CBD Oil Testimony and how to start your own Cannabis …
Hello Candace, I'm Mike a soon to be 5k affiliate. I've watched quite a few of your presentations and I would like to say you do an excellent job explaining these products!! You're a big inspiration to me and would love to have you do some 3 way calls will some of my p.e.'s if your schedule would permit it!! Thanks and keep changing lives!!
What excited you so much about the CBD industry?
Je suis intéressé mais j'ai rien compris de son anglais , je comprends que le français.
Hello Candace, I'm Mike a soon to be 5k affiliate. I've watched quite a few of your presentations and I would like to say you do an excellent job explaining these products!! You're a big inspiration to me and would love to have you do some 3 way calls will some of my p.e.'s if your schedule would permit it!! Thanks and keep changing lives!!